Hey if you are searching for Diagraph Phonics Worksheet for your kids, you have landed on correct website , here I have shared 25+ Diagram Phonics worksheet in PDF Format .You can easily download it just clicking on the download button.
In English, a digraph is a combination of two letters with a distinctive sound. In English, digraphs like CH, SH, PH, TH, and WH are common. Digraph practise lists are a crucial phonics concept for readers of all ages and are commonly taught in the elementary grades (K–2).
The sounds of the consonant combinations CH SH PH TH WH are unique. Each of these sounds is taught together with a word list that goes with it. These digraph flash cards might assist you in teaching the digraph sounds to your children.
Download the worksheets listed below to practise reading and writing digraphs every day. Consider a coloured printout. If not coloured, be careful to underline with a red pen the letters ch, sh, ph… to emphasise their importance throughout the entire spelling.
Download Diagraph Phonics Worksheet PDF for Kindergarten
If you want to download Diagraph Phonics Worksheet PDF For Kindergarten ,just click on the below link ,you will be redirected to the download page ,where you can download it very eaily.