जैसा की आपने पिछली पोस्ट में Past Indefinite Tense के बारे में पढ़ा । आज हम Past Tense के दुसरे प्रकार Past Continuous Tense in Hindi के बारे में पढेंगे ।
Past Continuous Tense को Past Progressive या Past Imperfect Tense भी कहते हैं । आज हम आपको Past Continuous Tense के Rules ,Examples ,Exercise और Past Continuous Tense के Hindi-English Translation के बारे में भी बताएँगे ।

Table of Contents
Past Continuous Tense की पहचान –
जिन वाक्य के अंत में रहा था ,रही थी ,रहें थे आदि शब्द आते हैं ,Past Continuous Tense के अंतर्गत आतें हैं ।
Past Continuous Tense का प्रयोग
ऐसे कार्य जो भूतकाल (Past )में किसी घटना घटित होने से पहले या किसी समय पर जारी थे ,वह पर Past Continuous का प्रयोग किया जाता है । जैसे –
वह बाजार जा रहा था ।
वर्षा हो रही थी ।
वह अपने कपडे धो रही थी ।
Past Continuous Tense के Structure
Affirmative Sentence- Sub. + was /were + V 1st +ing +Obj.
Negative Sentence- Sub. + was /were + not + V 1st +ing +Obj.
Interrogative Sentence-Was /were +Sub. + v 1st +ing +Obj.
Interrogative -Negative – Was/were + Sub +v 1st +ing +Obj.
Past Continuous Tense की Helping Verb
Past Continuous Tense की सहायक क्रियाएं Was /were हैं ।
- Singular Number और He,She,It एवं I के साथ Helping Verb “was” का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
- Plural Number और we,you,they के साथ Helping Verb “were”का प्रयोग किया जाता है ।
Past Continuous में Translation के नियम
Affirmative Sentence
Rule-Subject + was/were + V 1st +ing +Object.
Past Continuous Affirmative Sentence Example in Hindi-English
Hindi | English |
मैं यहाँ सो रहा था । | I was sleeping here. |
वह मैदान में खेल रहा था । | He was playing in the field. |
तुम कल एक पुस्तक खरीद रहे थे । | You were buying a book yesterday. |
वर्षा हो रही थी । | It was raining. |
हम ऑफिस जा रहे थे । | We were going to office. |
Negative Sentence
Rule-Subject + was/were +not +V 1st +ing +Object.
- एकवचन और He,She,It एवं I के साथ was not का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
- Plural Number और we,you,they के साथ were not का प्रयोग किया जाता है ।
Past Continuous Negative Sentence Example Hindi-English
Hindi | English |
वे सड़क पर नही दौड़ रहे थे । | He was not running on the road. |
हम स्कूल नही जा रहे थे । | We were not going to school. |
वह इस समय गीत नही गा रही थी । | She was not singing a song at this time, |
कुछ लड़के अपना कार्य नही कर रहे थे । | Some boys were not doing their work . |
वे अपना पाठ नही याद कर रहे थे । | They were not learning their lesson. |
Interrogative Sentence
Rule-Was /were +Sub. + v 1st +ing +Obj? या Ques. word + was/were +sub.+v 1st +ing +obj ?
- यदि वाक्य के प्रारंभ में प्रश्नवाचक शब्द हो तो subject के पहले was /were का प्रयोग करते हैं ।
- वाक्य के अंत में प्रश्नवाचक चिन्ह (?) लगा दिया जाता है ।
- यदि प्रश्नवाचक शब्द वाक्य के मध्य में आये तो इनकी अंग्रेजी सबसे पहले लिखकर Subject के पहले was/were का प्रयोग किया जाता है ।
- यदि वाक्य में कौन (who) Subject का कार्य कर रहा है तो उसे इस प्रकार बनाते हैं –
Who +was/were +verb का ing फॉर्म +object ?
कक्षा में पत्र कौन लिख रहा था ?
Who was writing a letter in the class ? - How many , how much , which या whose के प्रयोग करने की स्थिति में सम्बंधित noun के बाद ही was/were का प्रयोग होता है । जैसे-
कक्षा में कितने छात्र पढ़ रहे थे ?
How many students were reading in the class?
Past Continuous Interrogative Sentence Example Hindi-English
Hindi | `English |
क्या राम गंगा जी में स्नान कर रहा था ? | Was Ram bathing in the Gangas ? |
तुम उसको क्यों बुला रहे थे ? | Why were you calling him? |
तुम्हारे पिताजी यहाँ कब आ रहे थे ? | When was your father coming here ? |
क्या विद्यार्थी अपने अध्यापक की बात सुन रहे थे ? | Were the students listening to their teacher ? |
तुम वह क्या कर रहे थे ? | What were you doing there ? |
Interrogative Negative Sentence
Interrogative Negative Sentences का Translation का structure निम्न होता है –
प्रश्नवाचक शब्द वाक्य के प्रारंभ में -
Was/were + Sub. + not +Verb 1st +ing +Obj ?
प्रश्नवाचक शब्द वाक्य के मध्य में -
Ques. word + was /were + Sub. + not +Verb 1st +ing +Obj ?
Past Continuous Interrogative Negative Sentence Example Hindi-English
Hindi | English |
कुछ संगीतकार गाना क्यों नही गा रहे थे ? | Why were some musicians not singing a song? |
शीला अपनी पुस्तक क्यों नही पढ़ रही थी ? | Why was sheela not studying her book? |
बड़ई कल मेज क्यों नही बना रहा था ? | Why was the carpenter not making a table yeaterday? |
लकडहारा लकड़ी क्यों नही काट रहा था ? | Why was the wood-cutter not cutting the wood? |
अध्यापक उसे क्यों नही पढ़ा रहे थे ? | Why were the teacher not teaching him? |
[su_box title=”विशेष ” box_color=”#1e73be” radius=”6″ id=”continuous-tense-note”]कुछ Verbs ऐसे होती हैं जो Continuous Form को कभी कभी obey नही करती हैं ।
1. Verb of Thinking -Think , know , mean , mind , understand , realise , consider , trust
2. Verb of Emotions -Believe , like , love , wish , hate or state of mind.
3. Verb in general -Affect , require , stand , cost , hold , matter.
4. Verb of showing possession -Own , have , belong , comprise , possess , consist content.
5. Verb of Perception -Feel , taste , smell , hear , please , prefer.
Wrong | Correct |
He is believing in you. | He believes in you. |
I am hating it. | I hate it. |
I am having a car. | I have a car. |
I am thinking | I think, |
Use of Past Continuous Tense in Hindi
आइये अब जानते है Past Continuous Tense का प्रयोग कहाँ कहाँ किया जाता है –
- ऐसे कार्य जो भूतकाल (Past Time )में लगातार जारी रहे थे । जैसे –
वह क्रिकेट खेल रहा था – He was playing cricket.
मोहन T.V. देख रहा था । -Mohan was watching T.V.
रहीम कार रिपेयर कर रहा था । – Rahim was repairing the car. - ऐसे कार्य जो व्यक्ति Past में आदतन एवं frequently करता रहा था । ऐसे वाक्यों में always ,continually, constantly जैसे adverbs का प्रयोग किया जाता है । जैसे –
He was always abusing others.
She was constantly crying those days.
She was always grumbling. - जब कोई दूसरी घटना घटित हुई हो एवं अन्य कोई कार्य भी जारी रहा हो । जैसे –
When he arived ,his friend was washing her clothes.
The girl was knocked down by a truck ,while he was crossing the road.
The sun was just setting as they reached the hill. - एक साथ दो कार्य होते रहने की स्थिति में । जैसे –
While he was reading ,Sita was playing.
While they were singing ,Ramesh was reading.
Past Indefinite Tense Exercise in Hindi-English
राम आज सुबह फुटबॉल खेल रहा था ।
तुम कल बाजार जा रहे थे ।
मोहन आज सुबह गाना गा रहा था ।
माँ हमारा खाना तैयारकर रही थीं ।
वह किताब पढ़ रहा था ।
वह झूठ बोल रहा था ।
वर्षा हो रही थी ।
पक्षी आकाश में उड़ रहे थे।
वे दोनों लड़ रहे थे ।
कृष्ण दोपहर में सो रहा था ।
जब मैं घर पंहुचा तो वह कपडे धो रही थी
जब मैं पढ़ रहा था तो मेरा भाई टीवी देख रहा था ।
जब वर्षा हो रही थी तो मैं सो रहा था ।
सुरेश मेरा इन्तजार कर रहा था ।
रमेश झूठ नही बोल रहा था ।
क्या सीता नदी में तैर रही थी ?
उसकी माँ उसे क्यू मार रही थी ?
वह जंगल में कहाँ जा रहा था ?
तुम वहां क्यों जा रहे थे ?
लोमड़ी इधर उधर क्यों भटक रही थी ?
Past Indefinite Tense Exercise in English-Hindi
We were learning our lesson.
She was singing a song.
My brother was drinking cold water.
He was sleeping soundly.
Were those boys not going to Agra?
She was not jumping from the wall.
You were not buying a white cow?
What was he doing in the room?
He was reading a book yeaterday.
Ramesh was going to his village with his brother.
The players were not playing well.
Some boys were not doing their work seriously.
What were you doing there?
Who was saying so?
Who was weeping there?
Some people were going empty handed.